The Power of Gratitude

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you and your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Things were a bit different this year for me and my family. We had a small thanksgiving meal, just my husband and children. I definitely missed spending the day with my entire family. For the past several years, my husband and I have hosted Thanksgiving. This year was a lot smaller and quieter. At moments I felt sad because I wasn’t able to be with all of my family like in years past, but I began to reflect on the things that I’m grateful for and slowly my whole attitude started to shift.
About five years ago, I attended a women’s conference and the speaker told us how she had been keeping a gratitude journal. This one thing had changed her life! When I got back home that weekend, I decided to go purchase a journal so I too could start writing gratitude. That was day one. Here’s the thing, I haven’t stopped writing! I have now gone on to fill up several journals with gratitude. Every day, I take just a few minutes to jot down a few sentences and sometimes a few paragraphs for the things and people I’m grateful for. This has literally changed my entire life!!!
There is POWER in GRATITUDE. The psalmist tells us in Psalm 107: 1, “Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever.” Every time that we give thanks, we are reminding God of His goodness. His love. His mercy. And His grace.
When we give thanks and when we express our gratitude whether it be in prayer or on paper, we take our focus off our problems and we put our focus back on God …the Author and Finisher of our Faith!
Psalm 9:1 tell us, “I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.” Too many times we keep our thanksgiving hidden. We keep our gratitude hidden. We don’t share with anyone the goodness of the Lord. I encourage you to take time to share all of the wonderful things that God has done for you and your family, especially during this year. After all, there is POWER in GRATITUDE!
May you have a wonderful week and may God’s glory be revealed to you as you take time every day to reflect on the goodness of our Lord!
“I will praise you, Lord my God, with all my heart; I will glorify your name forever!” Psalm 86:12.
Be blessed,
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