Tag: organization


A Place for Everything


on Anxiety isontrol, organizati Consider the quote in the image… “Anxiety is caused by a lack of control, organization, preparation, and action.” I couldn’t have found a better quote! I laugh about this but in all honesty, it’s really not that funny. Having anxiety or stress because I failed to plan, to organize, to prepare, or to take action really isn’t that funny after all. It’s actually sad. I have found myself facing anxiety or stress because I simply didn’t do what the quote suggests.

I titled my post “A Place for Everything and Everything in its Place” because I felt this quote by Benjamin Franklin is honestly the golden key that would help to eliminate a lot of the unnecessary stress and anxiety I feel at times. It’s not the first time I’ve heard this quote. I actually have really tried to incorporate this quote into my life. I’ve let my family know that everything should have a “home.” Where I have failed is on modeling to my family what that really should look like.

I’m my no means a slob. I’m actually known to most as the “organized queen.” You see organization is one of my gifts. It comes naturally to me. I’m thankful for my gift. The part that I’m having the most difficulty right now, at this very season of my life, is on the CONSISTENCY part! Ahh, there goes that word….consistency. I’ve heard it all to often. Truth is, I’ve failed not only at keeping my life organized, but I have failed at being consistent. There are so many deadlines, projects, agendas that I failed to meet or keep because I just didn’t stay organized. I didn’t prepare in advance and most importantly, I didn’t take action!

I can’t promise you that I’m going to change from here to tomorrow. What I will do though, is make a commitment to honor God by being obedient. I have felt strongly in my heart that God has really wanted me to become more consistent in every area of my life. I’ll admit, I have failed him.

No more dwelling on the past though, I’m going to start making some necessary changes in my life that will begin to help me to stay more organized, prepared, in control, and to take action. I can begin today….

If you are feeling down and defeated in your mind because everywhere you look is a mess, I want you to stop what you’re doing and pray with me.

Lord Jesus,

I thank You for the gift of life that You have given me. Thank You Lord that today is a new day, a new start, and a new beginning. Father I pray today for the grace that I need and my dear friend reading this. I pray God that you would strengthen us and encourage us to do the things You have called us to do with a spirit of excellence and consistency. Dear God, please break every chain that has held us back from becoming all that You desire for us to be. I know that You are able to deliver us from the anxiety, stress, and mess in our lives. Thank You Holy Spirit for ministering to our hearts at this very moment. I receive now your grace and tender mercy. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen!


Amazed by His Grace, 
