Time for Renewal


Have you been feeling tired or discouraged lately? The good news is that there is a source from which you can draw the power needed to recharge your spiritual batteries. That source is God.

Have you been feeling exhausted or troubled? Turn your heart to God in prayer.

Have you been feeling weak or worried? Take the time to delve deeply into God’s Holy Word.

Are you feeling spiritually depleted? Call on Christ to renew your spirit and your life.

God stands always ready and able to create a new sense of wonderment and joy in you.


Today, I want to encourage you to take time for rest, renewal, and time to recharge. We are human and can only do so much in our own natural strength. When we take time to rest our bodies and seek to recharge our batteries by seeking God first, then we will find spiritual renewal to continue.

Sisters, remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup. Take time to take care of yourself: spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally, so you can best take care of those you love!

Be Blessed and Encouraged,

Ofelia Lawrence


Finally, brothers, rejoice. Be restored, be encouraged, be of the same mind, be at peace, and the God of love and peace will be with you. 2 Corinthians 13:11


Happy New Year!


Yes, I know we are in February, but this is my first post of the New Year! I pray that your new year is off to a great start. I want to stop by to encourage you and let you know that I am praying for all of my readers. My goal this year is to blog on a more consistent basis. I would like to blog at the very minimum, once a week. I want to share what I have been learning and reading.

I’m here to encourage you and know that God has great things planned for us in 2018!

One of my favorite scriptures for the new year is found in Isaiah 43:18-19

“Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old, behold, I will do a NEW thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it?”

This is your year to achieve your God-given dreams and to reach your God-given potential. Perhaps the start of 2018 has not been the best. I too have experienced some minor setbacks, but that comes with life. That’s part of living. Not every day will be full of sunshine, we just have to press past the pain, disappointments, and setbacks and keep on going. You still have 11 more months to go. Make the most of it. Dust off those old dreams and get to living! Get to pursing your dreams & goals. Don’t give up just because life gets hard. You have what it takes! I believe in YOU! You’ve got greatness inside of you! With God all things are POSSIBLE! You have what it takes…..now go get it!

I’m cheering you on in 2018 and will be here to encourage you along the way. Sending you thoughts & prayers of love, peace, and joy in 2018. May the God of hope strengthen you and comfort you to be the best you can be!!!

Abundantly Blessed,

~Ofelia Lawrence 🙂


November Gratitude Challenge


Welcome everyone! I want to share with you my November Gratitude Challenge!!! This year I would like to begin a 30 Day Gratitude Challenge during the month of November. The Challenge is simple but very rewarding. Here it goes!

For the next 30 days you will be asked to complete 5 simple tasks. I will give you the prompt every day on my blog and Facebook Page. Here is a link: https://www.facebook.com/ofelialawrence/.

I will be completing the challenge on my blog!  We will be using the hashtag #novembergratitudechallenge17

Here are the 5 simple tasks: Each day we will pray, journal, read, write, and take action for that day.

Example: Day 1 – family

  1. Pray  — begin by giving thanks for your family
  2. Journal gratitude for 5 minutes – write about how thankful you are for your family
  3. Read the Bible — a specific scripture will be given for that day
  4. Write — write down the scripture for the day
  5. Acts of Kindness — giving back to show your gratitude

I’m really excited about this November Gratitude Challenge! Please share with family and friends! I promise you, that at the end of 30 days, your life will not be the same!!!


To show my appreciation in joining me on my 1st #novembergratitudechallenge, I would like to give you a free gift. Click on my gratitude journal link to receive a copy of my gratitude journal!!!

With Gratitude,

~Ofelia Lawrence