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Hi! My name is Ofelia Lawrence. Welcome to my website! I’m so happy that you are here!!

My website is dedicated to helping women become all who Christ created us to be.

My goal is to create insightful, relevant content that you can apply to your every day life.

My ministry’s inspiration comes from a scripture in 1 Thessalonians 5:23 MSG.
“May God himself, the God who makes everything holy and whole, make you holy and whole, put you together—SPIRIT, SOUL, and BODY—and keep you FIT for the coming of our Master, Jesus Christ.”

My passion is to help women become healthy & whole in their #mindbodyspirit.

I am also so PASSIONATE about helping women discover how to live THE ABUNDANT LIFE Christ died for us to have!!!


A little about me…

I have been married to my husband, Justin, 13 years as of March 2021. My husband is currently the Senior Pastor at our church, Faith First House of Hope. We celebrated our 8th anniversary as Pastor & Wife  on August 2021! However, we have been working together in ministry since 2008! It has been a blessed journey together. We have two beautiful and sweet children who love Jesus, Emily and Justin Jr.

I am also a Spanish elementary teacher. I am entering my 15th year as an educator! I can hardly believe it!!

I recently became a Certified Personal Trainer, Summer ’21! I’m so excited to begin helping my clients reach their health & fitness goals! I am also a Group Exercise Instructor! I recently launched my new Gospel Fitness Class: Body & Soul with O!

In my free time, I enjoy reading, writing, and running. 🙂 I love spending time with my family and watching movies!

My Happy Places include: my Home, the Gym, and the Beach! 🙂

I love Jesus with all of my heart and pray that this blog of mine can shine some light into this world!

Thank you for visiting my website. I pray that you will fall deeper in love with Christ as we walk closer together in this beautiful journey as sisters!

Many blessings to you and your family!

Your Sister in Christ,

Ofelia Lawrence