Month: January 2017


Let Go of the Past


Letting go of the past can be difficult for many people. However, when you are always looking back, you become focused on what didn’t work out, or who hurt you, and on the mistakes that you have made. The enemy wants to keep you stuck in your past so you can miss out on all the great plans that God has for your future. As long as you’re living in regret, focused on the negative things of the past, you won’t move ahead to the abundant life Christ died for you to have.

The truth is, we all have a past. We have all made mistakes. We have all done things that we regret. The point is we have all sinned and fallen short of God’s glory. But I am so grateful to my Savior, Jesus Christ. You see God said in Isaiah 43: 25, “I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more.” Once you confess your sin and ask God to forgive you, He forgives you and remembers your sins no more. So my question for you today is this: why do YOU keep remember your sins, your past, and your mistakes? Why do you keep rehearsing them in your mind and recalling past events?

I want you to let go of disappointment, defeat, a negative mindset, and start focusing on the greater things God has prepared for you. Isaiah 43:19 says, “For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?” God is ready to do great and might things in your life. It’s time to stop looking through the rear-view mirror and start looking ahead at the bright future that God has in store for you. He said “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” 

Your future looks looks hopeful and promising. Your best days are still ahead. The rest of your life will be the best of your life! So make a decision today. Today you will let go of all the things that hurt you, all of the people who talked about you or let you down, and forgive them. Make a decision that from this day forward, no obstacles or calamities will keep you from living the abundant life that Christ died for you t have.

Be transformed by the renewing of your mind!

God Bless You!

With gratitude,

~Ofelia Lawrence


New Year, New You!


We have just completed the first week of the new year! Congratulations! You are on your way to a prosperous year. This year holds so much possibility and opportunities that it’s exciting to get going and to get moving. Today I want to encourage you live this year with a positive expectation, knowing that God has great plans in store for you. Jeremiah 29:11 tells us, “for I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” This year can be the most incredible year of your life, but you first have to decide that in your mind.

Too many times people make new year’s resolutions, set goals for the new year. All of that is fine and exciting but the real challenge comes in making up your mind that this year will not be a repeat of last year. You have to decide ahead of time that you will not fall back into the same old habits of the previous years. You have to decide upfront that this year will be your best year ever. You have to decide that in spite of all the tests and trials that this year may bring, that you will still remain steadfast and immovable. The Bible tells us in Romans 12:2, to be “transformed by the renewing of our mind.” It’s not until that we renew our mind when our life will begin to move into the direction that God is trying to take us. We don’t know what this year holds but we know Who holds this year! We know that we are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus. We know that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.

This year can be the best year of your life or just a repeat of last year. You have the power to decide.

Wishing you well in 2017!

~Ofelia Lawrence